Science Fiction Review - Intruder

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  1. SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW: Intruder - A black ink and black color pencil drawing on an 11 x 14 size coquille paper. It appears on the cover of SFR, a fanzine edited and published by Richard Geis.

    I have often read, "the more things change, the more they remain the same". But obviously, if something changes it can no longer be the same, so therefore, in this oxymoron, the "things that change" refers to "technological" progress , but "the more they stay the same" refers to "human nature," which apparently, seems not to be changing at all; modern man is still marked with the same sins and virtues that defined ancient man.

    In the world of art it also appears that the more things change the more they stay the same. Each generation of artists that comes along includes those with new and different ideas, looking to change our view of reality, most of them are nonsense, but always there are a few with new valid art forms that add to the wonder of man's artistic accomplishments. But most artists who come along maintain the traditions of the art forms that are based on the sensibilities of traditional schools of art.

    I assume that this co-existence of new art forms with traditional ones will continue on indefinitely into the future.

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